My tomato seedlings are doing very well... so well in fact that I'm wondering if I didn't start them way too early. If all the healthy little plants I have turn into healthy big plants... my guest room (a.k.a. "the makeshift greenhouse") is going to be mighty thick with foliage by the time it's warm enough outside to get them in the ground.
Spent a bunch of hours tonight going through the labor-intensive progress of repotting the more vigorous seedlings from the seed flats into 5 oz party cups, using the technique i learned from a friend of our family. The 5 oz cups fit inside the 1020 nursery trays perfectly, but I'm starting to realize that I'm going to run out of grow-lit space pretty quickly at this rate.
I picked up some cheap Daylight spectrum (6500K) fluorescent bulbs to go in the 4' fixtures i picked up at a yard sale over the summer and some CFL's of the same wavelength and am going to have to rig up some more lit areas in my guest room. I'm gonna have light blasting out from under the door in there like some terribly sci-fi movie at this rate. :-)
Also picked up a bunch of small square peat pots to sow basil in and then direct-plant wherever i want clumps of basil once th weather warms. I'm trying to remember why I thought it would be efficient to sow an entire seed flat full of basil, one seed per cell... can one even transplant basil once it gets going? Why would I even try this? I suppose it was kind of an experiment to see if the old Large Leaf Italian Basil seed I purchased a few years ago was still viable... so far the germination rate appears to exceed 90%, so let's hear it for weeds!
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