Just back from a stellar weekend in Cleveland with Leah. Long form forest walks, some great live music, some hours at the Botanical Gardens and Art Museum, and a gutbusting supper at Melt Bar and Grilled hopefully gave me the shot in the arm to weather out these last few weeks as Winter and Spring keep fighting for control of the weather.
The arrival of spring (in some form, at least) is undeniable. Lilies and other early growers are pushing up all over, the grass is apparently back to growing, and some of the little buggies are even up and around already.
With a weekend work trip to Los Angeles quickly looming alongside the dark low clouds of our first proper spring storms here in Central Ohio, I'm starting to get nervous.
It's now April 4th, and I haven't yet started any seeds indoors to transplant outdoors in a little over a month's time (perhaps a backlash to last year's erroneous decision to start them in February). I've got some 35 baby fruit trees and shrubs that have just showed up via various delivery services waiting (hopefully) patiently in the garage for me to find a place for them in the ground.
I fly out for LA right after work on Friday, so I have a mere four odd after-work evenings to get everything planted. Using last year's planting endeavors as a guide, this is at least a full weekend's work, and at this point I'm wondering how in the world I'm going to get it all done.
As I joked to a friend, if my neighbors catch sight of me out in the field in the middle of a night, digging by flashlight, I hope they know it's just baby tree roots I'm burying. Eek.
Somewhere in the spacious and lovely Cleveland Metroparks...
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