Monday, March 8, 2010

tires and peppers and tired...

Finally located a convenient and plentiful source for free used tires. I'll be hauling them home 12 at a time in the back of my truck every day after work until I'm 110% sure I have all that I'll ever need. This will likely give my mom an aenursym the next time she visits, but I'll win her back with promises of bushels of delicious potatoes (I might also have to promise to set up Potato Tower Land behind a barn).

Got a bunch more seedling tomato starts repotted tonight. I'm beginning to realize that I have planted and am growing far, far too many tomato plants. Like a giant litter of edible puppies, I need to start finding homes for some of them ASAP, so their future size and presence doesn't preclude me from starting other veggies.

To that end, I got a bunch of varieties of sweet and hot peppers seeded tonight as well.

And with that, I am pooped. Hitting the sack.

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